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As Shield

Tokens of Affection



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Americana Blues


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VOICES: Day 40


VOICES: Day 41

VOICES: Day 44


VOICES: Day 19        30 x 40 inches



VOICES: Day 52 



VOICES: Day 12        17 x 27 inches



VOICES: Day 48        24 x 21 inches



VOICES: Day 33-2        21 x 20 inches



VOICES: Day 52



VOICES: Day 39



VOICES: Day 33        29 x 22 inches



VOICES: Day 28        23 x 23 inches



VOICES: Day 23        28 x 23 inches



VOICES: Day 2        24 x 19 inches



VOICES: Day 17        24 x 15 inches



VOICES: Day 14        18 x 18 inches


VOICES, Abstract Expressions. Richmond VA 2020 Black Lives Matter - BLM

Abstract Expressions

VOICES is a collection of photographic works originating from graffiti at the Robert E. Lee Memorial statue in Richmond, VA during Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests to demand an end to systemic racism and police brutality. The work began on June 8, 2020.

Kittle at the Robert E. Lee memorial, Richmond VA. Photo by T.C. Moore.
Jere Kittle. Photo by T. C. Moore

The graffiti-strewn scene at the statue - now known as Marcus-David Peters Circle - was a visual cacophony of loud and colorful voices expressing a range of emotions from outrage to healing. During my earliest visits to the site, I began to see through the painted words and symbols, to explore the abstract images they unwittingly form; overlapping and intertwining gestures shared in communal outpouring. Each stroke or splatter of paint represents a physical act of expression that speaks to me in ways that the words cannot.

Blue Heart: graffiti at the Robert E. Lee memorial in Richmond VA.<br />Artist unkonwn.My attraction to abstract imagery is born of the enigmatic quality that invites me to connect with the creator and the act of creating. In this series, that connection ties me to the hands and hearts of those who found a place and a way to speak their innermost truths.

I returned to the statue often and for more than seven months when a chain link fence was installed around the site's perimeter. With each visit, I met new people and found new voices within the ever-changing displays of graffiti. Each time, I sense that I was immersed in a profound, caring energy. It is this energy that I seek to share through these works.

Gallery exhibition 2020

Artspace Gallery Exhibition Oct. 23 - Dec. 13, 2020.

An exhibition of works from this project was held at Artspace Gallery Oct. 23 - Dec. 13, 2020.


As Shield

“Your silence will not protect you”
 — Audre Lorde







On January 25, 2021, the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of General Services was ordered by Governor Ralph Northam to erect fencing around the perimeter of the Circle.

Photo: Robert E. Lee memorial in Richmond VA, June 30, 2020
October 15, 2020, the New York Times Magazine named the Robert E. Lee Statue in Richmond, Va. the #1 Most Influential Work of American Protest Art Since World War II.
Photo: Robert E. Lee memorial in Richmond VA, June 30, 2020
Cover of National Geographic “The Year in Pictures,”
January 2021. Photo: Kris Graves
Photo: Robert E. Lee memorial in Richmond VA, June 30, 2020
Cover of ARTFORUM Magazine, December 2020
Photo: Mel D. Cole, June 20, 2020

Pretty Purposed.orgProceeds from the sale of works in the 2020 exhibition were donated to – a community-based program that works to empower girls in the Petersburg, VA area through mentorship and activities that promote healthy physical, social and emotional development.


Jere Kittle © copyright 2023, all rights reserved